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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Telling the Time

What time is it? - I

Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?
Yes, of course. It's seven o'clock.
Thank you.
No problem.
What time is it? - II

What time is it?
It's half past three.
You're welcome

Key Vocabulary

Excuse me.
Can you tell me the time, please?
What time is it?
It's half past...
It's quarter past...
It's ten to...
It's quarter to...o'clock

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New To America

Maria was new to America. She came to America speaking only her native language. She brought her 8-year-old son with her. He was all she had in the world.
They found an apartment in Queens, New York. They were there for only two months when a neighbor’s dog jumped over the fence. The dog ran toward Nancy’s son. Nancy put her body in between the dog and her son. The dog stopped when it saw Nancy screaming at it. She was going to punch it in the nose. The dog turned around.
Shaking, Nancy took her son upstairs. They stayed in the apartment all weekend. Then Nancy found another apartment, close to the school that her son was going to attend.
She and her son walked everywhere. One day her son started coughing badly. He had asthma. All the walking was making his asthma worse.
Nancy knew that she had to buy a car. So she called up the Honda dealer. She talked to a salesman who spoke her language. She told him that she wanted to buy a new car if he could come over to pick her up. The salesman said he would be right over.

Getting Acquainted

We are all unique in our own way. We may come from different places, like different foods, and have different customs. When we greet each other, we may do it in different ways. Let's observe a dialogue of two people getting acquainted in america:
S1 Hello! May I ask your name?
S2. Yes! My name is Suzan. What is your name?
S1. My name is Shaun. It’s nice to meet you, Suzan.
S2. Same here, Shaun; let’s talk more later.
S1. Ok, let’s do that. Bye, bye.
How Do People Say Hello In Different Parts of the World?
Greek: Ya su
English: Hello
German: Hallo
French: Salut
Turkish: Mer Haba
Chinese: Ohio
Mexican: Hola
Dutch: Hallo
Italian: Ciao
Japanese: こんにちは
Portuguese: Cumprimentos
Russian: здравствулте!
Spanish: Hola
Korean: 여보세요
Ancient Greek: Herete
Croatian: Dobar Dan
Hebrew: Shalom

Family Day At The Beach

The Martinez family is at the beach today. It’s a beautiful day.
Mr. Martinez is grilling hotdogs and hamburgers on the barbecue, and Mrs. Martinez is drinking lemonade.
The kids are enjoying their time at the beach too. Alex is reading a book. Tina is swimming, and Jimmy is listening to music. Their dog, Spot, is resting in the sand.
It’s a beautiful day at the beach and the Martinez family is very happy.

Can You Answer Some Questions?

1) What is Jimmy doing?

2) Is Mr. martinez thirsty?

3) What is the weather like?

4) Who is Spot?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Frizzy hair
I hate to admit it, but I have frizzy hair. This was not always the case. As a child, I had great hair. My hair was thick, silky, and long. Unfortunately, my hair has changed drastically with the passing of time. Would you believe that as a baby my hair was blond! You would never guess it from seeing my dark hair now.
I can not blame my mother. Her hair was always distinctive. She has always had a great mass of blond hair. This could only mean one thing: the culprit must be my father! The truth is that he has frizzy hair, as do my siblings.
Fortunately, science has advanced and created many great treatments to aid women who share this frizzy problem. I may have a frizzy hair gene but thanks to science, no one will ever know!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Have you noticed beautiful flowers, chocolate eggs, pastel colors, and pictures of rabbits all of a sudden everywhere you go? It's because it is Easter time!
Easter is the celebration of Jesus Christ's rising from the dead (His Resurrection) after His crucifixion which took place on what we now term Good Friday.
Easter is usually celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the Spring Equinox on March 21st. This can be any Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th. It is the most sacred of all the Christian holidays or celebrations.
Christ's return (or rising) from death is called the Resurrection. According to the scriptures, Christ's tomb was empty three days after His death, which is commemorated on Good Friday. His followers saw Him and talked to Him after this. Christians therefore believe that they have the hope of a new life (an everlasting life in Heaven) after their earthly death.
DiD YoU KnOw?????

Easter was called Pesach by early Christians. It is the Hebrew name for Passover. Today, the name for Easter in many cultures in Europe are similar to the word Pesah.
For example :
France -Paques
Spain -Pascua
Italy -Pasqua
Albania -Pashke
Greece -Pascha
Norway -Paaske
Holland -Pasen
Sweden -Pask